(619) 737-3919
Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Free 30 min Consultation


HIDING ASSETS OR AVOIDING TO DISCLOSE ASSETS IN DIVORCE PROCESS, CAN I DO IT? It is the policy of the State of California to preserve and protect community and quasi-community assets and liabilities that exist at the date of separation. In order to promote this public policy, a full and accurate disclosure of all assets...
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ADVANTAGES OR DISADVANTAGES OF LEGAL SEPARATION V. DIVORCE… WHY PEOPLE CHOOSE LEGAL SEPARATION VS. DIVORCE AND VISA VERSA. There are several reasons why people choose to file for a legal separation instead of filing for a divorce: 1. You are not eligible to file for a divorce because of residency requirements. You or your spouse...
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UNEXPECTEDLY SERVED WITH DIVORCE PAPERS. DON’T VIOLATE AUTO RESTRAINING ORDER! WHAT TO DO NEXT? “I got served with divorce papers. What am I supposed to do? Are there any deadlines to respond? What forms am I supposed to use to respond? What I can and cannot do.” Almost everyone has many questions and no one...
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