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The Court will resume services on 5/26/2020. Family Law cases and new rules…

San Diego Superior Court will resume services on 5/26/2020. Unfortunately, if you have a pending Family Law case or are planning to open a Family Law case, you won’t be able to appear in front of the Judge. There are new rules public and attorneys have to follow.


Family Law Division:


  1. As of now, all hearings will be conducted remotely either via Microsoft Teams or via phone calls.
  2. You won’t be able to file your pleadings at the business office. All pleadings have to be filed either via E-filing or via a Drop Box at the courthouse.
  3. List of documents that cannot be filed via E-filing and have to be filed via a Drop Box at the courthouse:
    1. Ex Parte Applications;
    2. Temporary Requests for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVTRO);
    3. Lodgments;
    4. Judgments;
    5. Orders; and,
    6. A complete list will be posted on the Court’s website soon.
  4. The Ex Parte hearings will be conducted without your participation or via phone call if the Judge decides that he/she needs to talk to the Parties.
  5. If you are self-represented and need to obtain an emergency order you can ask for assistance at SelfHelp@sdcourt.ca.gov. Non-emergency issues will not be answered.
  6. If you have a pending case and have any case-specific questions you can email at FAM@sdcourt.ca.gov. Questions, which are no case-specific, will not be answered and no documents will be accepted via this email.
  7. If you need to reschedule your hearing you can also email at FAM@sdcourt.ca.gov.
  8. As of now, you cannot obtain a copy of any pleadings. The Court is working on how to resolve this issue.


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Ms. Rogova, who is bilingual English-Russian, earned her law degrees from American and Russian universities. She earned her Russian law degree in 2003 and practiced law in Russia for over 7 years. Ms. Rogova has a broad range of legal experience in Russia such as contract litigation, corporate law, arbitration, real estate, and labor law. In addition to her law degree, in 2007 Ms. Rogova earned a Master of Finance degree.

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